Friday, November 13, 2009


Madi had her first dentist appointment. She did awesome, they cleaned, counted and painted varnish on her teeth. She is a little trooper. The funniest thing happened while we were there. Our hygenist Beth was making Madi comfortable and asking her all kinds of questions. Beth asked if Madi had seen Iceage - Dawn of the Dinosuar and Madi said yes. Beth said I like "Peaches", Madi's response was "I like pears". Ahh the mind of a three year old. I had to explain that just because we went to the movie theatre to see it doesn't mean we actually sat down and payed attention to it or the characters LOL.. It was a good laugh, thanks Madi.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Girl Madi Cakes Nov. 8

So my baby Girl just turned 3. I can't believe how fast she is growing. She had an awesome day at Blast Off, soaking in all her birthday glory. I just love this little girl, she is my little shadow following me where ever I go, my best little buddy. Wonderful things about my Madi; she is independent, so smart (even her teachers comment on what a whiz she is), my lovy cuddle bunny, she loves to help clean (hopefully this sticks for a long time). Madi loves strawberry milk, books, music, dancing, painting and her stuffed kitty cats.

9weeks old in these next four pix

LOL, Blackmail Photo

One year old.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 09

The kids love their Gorilla Daddy
Oh, cute kitty Meow
Ethan (Edward) at his Halloween school parade, poor kids, it was freezing